1. What is solar eclipse?
Solar eclipse is rarely nature phenomenon. When the moon moves between sun and earth blocking the sun’s rays and casting a shadow on earth surface. If we want to see a solar eclipse, we must be in the path of the moon’s shadow.

There are four kinds of solar eclipse: Total, Partial, Annular and Hybrid.
Total Solar Eclipse
The moon completely covers the sun. It only can be seen from limited area.
Partial Solar Eclipse
The moon only practically covers the sun.
Annular Solar Eclipse
The moon is at the central of the sun. It looks like a very bright ring.
Hybrid Solar Eclipse
It’s a very rare phenomenon. You can see annular solar eclipse turn into total solar eclipse.
2. Why we should wear solar eclipse glasses when watching a solar eclipse?
If we watching a solar eclipse without solar eclipse glasses, our eyes will get sustain eye damage. It can cause very painful damage and loss of vision. You don’t know the damage has been until it’s too late.
There is something that you can’t use to watch solar eclipse.
1. Sunglasses
2. Somked glasses
3. Exposed X-ray or camera film
The best way to enjoy watching solar eclipse is to wear solar eclipse glasses.
REMEMBER don’t wear solar eclipse glasses through any unfiltered telescope, binocular, camera.
3. When will happen?
Solar eclipse only happens in new moon take place near a lunar nude. It approximately occurs around every 18 years. In fact, on August 21, 2017 people in the U.S. will have a chance to see solar eclipse. Some areas can luckily see total solar eclipse but other areas can at least view partial solar eclipse.